Facilitated by a dedicated organisation
The Community Forests have capacity to deliver, and create this capacity through appropriate organisational structures and teams. They may be charities, social enterprises, or local authority teams. They have spatial plans and business plans to support this capacity to deliver and to enable others to work with them.
Working in partnership
In each of the Community Forests there is team, which facilitates the Community Forest in partnership with like-minded groups. It is a catalyst. Its organisational capacity attracts and supports partners.
Working with local authorities
The Community Forests work to ensure the Community Forest Plan is embedded effectively in local government policy, and vice versa. The spatial plans are an essential component of this working relationship, which ensures that planning authorities can take proper account of them.
Working collectively as members of England’s Community Forests
Collectively, and in their diverse ways, they work together as a national association to ensure credibility, influence and creative sharing and learning.