Two days of planting in Bodmin Park

Forest of Mercia
Trees for Climate, Year 4
This project consisted of an orchard, a small orchard avenue, oak standards, a hedgerow, and a half avenue. The planting was done at Bodmin Park play area in Baswich (Stafford). The partners involved gathered volunteers to help with the planting and boost the community involvement, as the planting took place in a half-term break, 50 volunteers turned up on the first day.
The trees planted on the first day were: Orchard; Orchard Avenue; Half Avenue; Oak standards
The hedgerow was planted the next morning with returning volunteers.

The project began via. Susanna from the Baswich Community Group reaching out to us. We have planted with them before (Yelverton Park nearby Bodmin Park and schools), therefore we already had connections with them. Stafford Borough Council was involved by some staff from the ‘Street Scene’ team that helped with the planting and the councilors that approved the planting (it is Stafford Borough Council land).
Community involvement was more than we could have imagined, roughly 50 volunteers showed up including a Beaverscout Group, high school volunteers, and families from the local community. These trees will provide shade in the summer for those using the park and provide crops of fruit for playing children, dog walkers, families in the village, and for the wildlife that inhabits the area. The fruits selected are a mix of 27 apples, 7 pears and 15 plums within the orchard and the orchard avenue combined. The half avenue consists of 3 silver birches, 3 field maples, and 3 rowans, the hedgerow is made up of a mix of native hedgerow species (100x hawthorn, 100x field maple, and 75x hazel). Scattered around the park are 4x oak standards. Trees were planted with a spiral to protect them from strimming and bark damage, stakes for support, mulch mats to prevent grass and weeds from taking over the sapling and ties and pegs to keep them in place. Further community engagement may occur in the future in the Baswich village, the community group is very active and keen for green spaces.

Natural flood management and water quality:
The south side of orchard is said to be a very boggy area in the winter, the trees planted will help mitigate flooding of the field (now orchard).
Public access and management:
Everybody can access and enjoy the planting; our scheme covers the initial management of the trees (replacing non-established trees and vandalised trees etc.)
Enhancing wildlife:
Fruit trees are massively beneficial to wildlife throughout all seasons because of their mass of flowers and, of course, the fruit. The hedgerow creates a much-needed corridor and shelter for wildlife in what can be a busy area. The avenue trees and the standards provide a canopy for birds as well as food and shelter (within the bark) for invertebrates and insects.
Contribution to Net Zero:
All materials used are biodegradable or compostable, no machinery was used. The trees will sequester carbon throughout their lives. It is estimated that over 100 years, the trees planted with sequester roughly 217 tonnes of carbon equivalent (tCO₂e).
Engagement, health, and wellbeing:
Planting events such as these reach a range of people from different backgrounds as well as age groups. Some volunteers came on their own, the Bodmin Park planting created a social opportunity for lonely or vulnerable people.