Converting arable land to regenerative agriculture with herbal leys and hedgerow restoration
Notts Wildlife Trust approached Greenwood Community Forest about a project to convert arable land to regenerative agriculture. Working in partnership with the landowner, the two organisations agreed a programme of herbal leys and hedgerow restoration on an arable farm to help with the process of conversion to regenerative agriculture.
Co-funded through Trees for Climate and NWT’s Nature Recovery Network in Farmed Landscapes scheme, the project demonstrates good partnership working.
The project will help strengthen hedgerows and link remnant hedges and provide better linkage of habitats as well as providing shelter and additional canopy cover.
Biodiversity will be improved and soil erosion will be minimised through the reversion of arable to grassland helping to lock up carbon.
A native species mix was used and hedges were planted at 6 plants/metre with feathered whips included every 15m for additional canopy cover when mature. A total of 11,000 plants over 1.76km of hedgerow were planted and the project will be promoted to local farmers and landowners at a series of events in 2022.